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WAP.TV - Развлекательный кино портал для просмотра любимых фильмов.
Новые бестселлеры, мультфильмы для детей и взрослых, ужасы, триллеры, боевики, приключения и многое другое.
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29.11.2015, 11:41 | |
HTML: Код <div class="player" data-player data-playlist="boxer" data-track="0"> <div class="player__content"> <div class="player__artist has-fade-in" data-player-album-artist>Tronix</div> <div class="player__album has-fade-in" data-player-album-name>Sonar</div> <div class="player__track has-fade-in" data-player-album-song>Mosh Pit</div> <div class="album album--boxer" data-album> <div class="album__cover"></div> <div class="vinyl"> <div class="vinyl__shadow"></div> <div class="vinyl__circle"> <div class="vinyl__center"></div> </div> </div> <!-- /.vinyl --> </div> <!-- /.album --> <div class="player__controls has-fade-in"> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--prev" data-player-prev></div> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--play" data-player-play> <div class="rectangle"></div> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--next" data-player-next></div> </div> <!-- /.player__controls --> <audio preload>Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio!</audio> </div> <!-- /.player__content --> </div> <!-- /.player --> <div class="player" data-player data-playlist="billionaires2014Compilation" data-track="0"> <div class="player__content"> <div class="player__artist has-fade-in" data-player-album-artist>Tronix</div> <div class="player__album has-fade-in" data-player-album-name>Sonar</div> <div class="player__track has-fade-in" data-player-album-song>Mosh Pit</div> <div class="album album--billionaires-2014-compilation" data-album> <div class="album__cover"></div> <div class="vinyl"> <div class="vinyl__shadow"></div> <div class="vinyl__circle"> <div class="vinyl__center"></div> </div> </div> <!-- /.vinyl --> </div> <!-- /.album --> <div class="player__controls has-fade-in"> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--prev" data-player-prev></div> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--play" data-player-play> <div class="rectangle"></div> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--next" data-player-next></div> </div> <!-- /.player__controls --> <audio preload>Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio!</audio> </div> <!-- /.player__content --> </div> <!-- /.player --> <div class="player" data-player data-playlist="projectMayhem" data-track="0"> <div class="player__content"> <div class="player__artist has-fade-in" data-player-album-artist>Tronix</div> <div class="player__album has-fade-in" data-player-album-name>Sonar</div> <div class="player__track has-fade-in" data-player-album-song>Mosh Pit</div> <div class="album album--project-mayhem" data-album> <div class="album__cover"></div> <div class="vinyl"> <div class="vinyl__shadow"></div> <div class="vinyl__circle"> <div class="vinyl__center"></div> </div> </div> <!-- /.vinyl --> </div> <!-- /.album --> <div class="player__controls has-fade-in"> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--prev" data-player-prev></div> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--play" data-player-play> <div class="rectangle"></div> <div class="triangle"></div> </div> <div class="player__controls-item player__controls-item--next" data-player-next></div> </div> <!-- /.player__controls --> <audio preload>Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio!</audio> </div> <!-- /.player__content --> </div> <!-- /.player --> CSS: Код @import 'bourbon'; @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:400,300,500); $color-black: #000; $color-gray: #5e6062; $color-white: #fff; $color-yellow: #f0f39c; $color-yellow-light: #fff99e; $transition-time: 250ms; $transition-method: ease-in-out; $album-size: 310px; $vinyl-offset: 20px; $vinyl-size: $album-size - $vinyl-offset; $vinyl-center-size: 146px; html { background-color: $color-yellow; box-sizing: border-box; } // html *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; line-height: inherit; } // *, *:before, *:after .player { @include transition(all $transition-time $transition-method); color: $color-gray; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; height: $album-size; line-height: 1.2; margin: 50px auto; position: relative; width: $album-size; &:after { @include transform(rotate(-2deg)); @include transition(all $transition-time $transition-method); background: #777; bottom: 12px; box-shadow: 0 15px 23px rgba($color-black, 0.3); content: ''; height: 10px; left: 2%; opacity: 0; padding-left: 5%; position: absolute; width: 96%; z-index: 5; } // &:after .player__content { background-color: $color-white; height: 100%; padding: 100px 0 0 20px; position: relative; text-align: right; width: 100%; z-index: 10; } // .player__content .player__artist { font-size: 24px; font-weight: 500; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 200px; } // .player__artist .player__album { font-size: 20px; font-weight: 300; margin-bottom: 30px; width: 200px; } // .player__album .player__track { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 300; margin-bottom: 30px; width: 200px; &:before, &:after { content: '"'; font-size: 22px; vertical-align: middle; } // &:before, &:after } // .player__track } // .player .player--open { border-radius: 2px; height: 370px; position: relative; width: 460px; &:after { opacity: 1; } // &:after } // .player--open .player__controls { $size: 26px; $speed: 0.3s; bottom: 45px; left: 0; position: absolute; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; width: 250px; &-item { @include user-select(none); cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; height: $size; margin: 0 $size/3; position: relative; width: $size; &--play { overflow: hidden; .rectangle, .triangle { height: $size; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: $size; } // .rectangle, .triangle .rectangle { z-index: 5; &:before, &:after { @include transition(all $speed ease); background-color: $color-yellow; content: ''; height: 100%; width: 50%; .player--playing & { width: 36%; } // .player--playing & } // &:before, &:after &:before { float: left; overflow :hidden; } // &:before &:after { float: right; } // &:before } // .rectangle .triangle { z-index: 10; &:before, &:after { @include transition(all $speed ease); background-color: transparent; border-bottom: $size/2 solid transparent; border-right: $size solid #fff; border-top: $size/2 solid transparent; content: ''; height: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: 0; } // &:before, &:after &:before { @include transform(translate(0, -50%)); .player--playing & { @include transform(translate(0, -100%)); } // .player--playing & } // &:before &:after { @include transform(translate(0, 50%)); .player--playing & { @include transform(translate(0, 100%)); } // .player--playing & } // &:after } // .triangle &:hover { .rectangle { &:before, &:after { background-color: darken($color-yellow, 10%); } // &:before, &:after } // .rectangle } // &:hover } // &--play &--next, &--prev { width: 45px; &:before, &:after { @include transition(all $speed ease); border-bottom: $size/2 solid transparent; border-top: $size/2 solid transparent; content: ''; height: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 0; } // &:before, &:after } // &--next, &--prev &--next { width: 45px; &:before, &:after { border-left: $size solid $color-yellow; } // &:before, &:after &:before { left: 0; } // &:before &:after { left: $size/1.5; } // &:before &:hover { &:before, &:after { border-left-color: darken($color-yellow, 10%); } // &:before, &:after } // &:hover } // &--next &--prev { &:before, &:after { border-right: $size solid $color-yellow; } // &:before, &:after &:before { right: 0; } // &:before &:after { right: $size/1.5; } // &:before &:hover { &:before, &:after { border-right-color: darken($color-yellow, 10%); } // &:before, &:after } // &:hover } // &--prev } // &-item } // .player__controls .album { @include transform(translateY(-50%)); @include transition(all $transition-time $transition-method); box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba($color-black, 0.4); cursor: pointer; height: $album-size; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 50%; width: $album-size; z-index: 100; .player--open & { cursor: default; right: -100px; } // .player--open & &__cover { background-color: $color-black; background-size: cover; height: 100%; position: relative; width: 100%; z-index: 20; } // &__cover &:hover { .vinyl { left: 25%; } // .vinyl } // &:hover } // .album .album--billionaires-2014-compilation { .album__cover, .vinyl .vinyl__center:before { background-image: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/43525/album-billionaires-2014-compilation.jpg'); } // .album__cover, .vinyl .vinyl__center:before } // .album--billionaires-2014-compilation .album--project-mayhem { .album__cover, .vinyl .vinyl__center:before { background-image: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/43525/album-project-mayhem.jpg'); } // .album__cover, .vinyl .vinyl__center:before } // .album--project-mayhem .album--boxer { .album__cover, .vinyl .vinyl__center:before { background-image: url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/43525/album-boxer.jpg'); } // .album__cover, .vinyl .vinyl__center:before } // .album--boxer .vinyl { @include transition(all $transition-time $transition-method); left: $vinyl-offset/2; position: absolute; top: $vinyl-offset/2; height: $vinyl-size; width: $vinyl-size; .player--open & { left: 0 !important; } // .player--open & .player--playing & { left: 50% !important; } // .player--playing & &__shadow, &__circle { border-radius: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; } // &__shadow, &__circle &__shadow { box-shadow: 2px 8px 10px 0 rgba($color-black, 0.15); z-index: 5; } // &__shadow &__circle { @include animation(rotate 1.0s linear infinite both paused); background-color: #262121; z-index: 10; .player--playing & { @include animation-play-state(running); } // .player--playing & } // &__circle &__center { @include transform(translate(-50%, -50%)); background-color: #292424; border-radius: 100%; height: $vinyl-center-size; left: 50%; position: absolute; top: 50%; width: $vinyl-center-size; &:before, &:after { @include transform(translate(-50%, -50%)); border-radius: 100%; content: ''; left: 50%; position: absolute; top: 50%; } &:before { background-color: #ed7167; background-size: cover; height: 116px; width: 116px; z-index: 5; } // &:before &:after { background-color: #fff; height: 40px; width: 40px; z-index: 10; } // &:after } // &__center } // .vinyl //// // Helpers //// .has-fade-in { @include transition(all $transition-time*2 $transition-method); opacity: 0; .player--open & { opacity: 1; } // .player--open & } // .has-fade-in //// // Keyframes //// @include keyframes(rotate) { from { @include transform(rotate(0deg)); } to { @include transform(rotate(360deg)); } } // @include keyframes(rotate) JS: Код // Player var Player = function() { var _this = this, $playerAll = $('[data-player]'), $playerCurrent = null, $displayArtistName = null, $displayAlbumName = null, $displaySongName = null, $controlPrev = $('[data-player-prev]'), $controlPlay = $('[data-player-play]'), $controlNext = $('[data-player-next]'), index = 0, path = { audio: 'http://lab.islegend.com/challenge/music-player/assets/audio/' }, playing = false, playlist = null, audio = null; _this.methods = { init: function() { _this.methods.bindUserEvents(); }, bindUserEvents: function() { $playerAll.on('click', function() { if ( !$(this).hasClass('player--open') ) { // pause the current player if (audio !== null) { audio.pause(); $playerCurrent.removeClass('player--open player--playing'); } // get new player $playerCurrent = $(this); index = $playerCurrent.data('track'); // retrieve display elements $displayArtistName = $playerCurrent.find('[data-player-album-artist]'); $displayAlbumName = $playerCurrent.find('[data-player-album-name]'), $displaySongName = $playerCurrent.find('[data-player-album-song]'); // Audio playlist = playlists[$playerCurrent.data('playlist')]; audio = $playerCurrent.find('audio').get(0); audio.addEventListener('ended', function() { _this.methods.nextTrack(); }); if (!audio.src) { _this.methods.loadTrack(0); } _this.methods.playTrack(); $playerCurrent.toggleClass('player--open'); } }); $controlPlay.on('click', function() { if ($playerCurrent.hasClass('player--playing')) { _this.methods.pauseTrack(); } else { _this.methods.playTrack(); } }); $controlNext.on('click', function() { _this.methods.nextTrack(); }); $controlPrev.on('click', function() { _this.methods.prevTrack(); }); }, loadTrack: function() { audio.src = path.audio + playlist.slug + '/' + playlist.tracks[index].file; $displayArtistName.text(playlist.tracks[index].artist); $displayAlbumName.text(playlist.tracks[index].album); $displaySongName.text(playlist.tracks[index].song); $playerCurrent.data('track', index); }, playTrack: function() { $playerCurrent.addClass('player--playing'); playing = true; audio.play(); }, pauseTrack: function() { $playerCurrent.removeClass('player--playing'); playing = false; audio.pause(); }, nextTrack: function() { if ((index + 1) < playlist.trackCount) { index++; } else { index = 0; } _this.methods.loadTrack(index); if (playing) { audio.play(); } }, prevTrack: function() { if ((index - 1) > -1) { index--; } else { index = (playlist.trackCount - 1); } _this.methods.loadTrack(index); if (playing) { audio.play(); } } }; return _this.methods; }; // Load $(function() { player = new Player(); player.init(); }); // Data var playlists = { billionaires2014Compilation: { slug: "billionaires-2014-compilation", trackCount: 17, tracks: [ { "track": 1, "artist": "Another Monster", "album": "Press Play EP", "song": "Drop It Low", "file": "another-monster-drop-it-low.mp3" }, { "track": 2, "artist": "George Antonios", "album": "Billionaires 2014 Compilation", "song": "Signals In The Dark", "file": "george-antonios-signals-in-the-dark.mp3" }, { "track": 3, "artist": "Hypercube", "album": "Billionaires 2014 Compilation", "song": "Analog Circuits", "file": "hypercube-analog-circuits.mp3" }, { "track": 4, "artist": "Klarity", "album": "Truth & Lies EP", "song": "Second Nature", "file": "klarity-second-nature.mp3" }, { "track": 5, "artist": "Clerks", "album": "Zone 6 Wizard EP", "song": "Drama", "file": "clerks-drama.mp3" }, { "track": 6, "artist": "M00DY", "album": "Super Squad EP", "song": "Voyage", "file": "m00dy-voyage.mp3" }, { "track": 7, "artist": "Shuhandz", "album": "Get Weird Remix EP", "song": "Get Weird", "file": "shuhandz-get-weird.mp3" }, { "track": 8, "artist": "Bad Catholics", "album": "Super Squad EP", "song": "Astapor", "file": "bad-catholics-astapor.mp3" }, { "track": 9, "artist": "Aaron Sigmon", "album": "Pop Dat Booty EP", "song": "Booty Bump (Trap Mix)", "file": "aaron-sigmon-booty-bump.mp3" }, { "track": 10, "artist": "Dope Arcade", "album": "Dead Wrong EP", "song": "HAL 9k", "file": "dope-arcade-hal-9k.mp3" }, { "track": 11, "artist": "Jason Wiggz", "album": "Super Squad EP", "song": "MegaTons", "file": "jason-wiggz-megatons.mp3" }, { "track": 12, "artist": "Kit Walters & Boy Beats World", "album": "Super Squad EP", "song": "New Mutiny", "file": "kit-walters-and-boy-beats-world-new-mutiny.mp3" }, { "track": 13, "artist": "Two Face", "album": "Super Squad EP", "song": "Diavolo", "file": "two-face-diavolo.mp3" }, { "track": 14, "artist": "Kyle Biddy", "album": "Super Squad EP", "song": "T2", "file": "kyle-biddy-t2.mp3" }, { "track": 15, "artist": "Vorheez", "album": "Spooked Out EP", "song": "Showtime", "file": "vorheez-showtime.mp3" }, { "track": 16, "artist": "Vorheez", "album": "Spooked Out EP", "song": "Spooked Out", "file": "vorheez-spooked-out.mp3" }, { "track": 17, "artist": "Patrick Bandy", "album": "A Day in the Life EP", "song": "Sakura (Samurai Sword)", "file": "patrick-bandy-sakura-samurai-sword.mp3" } ] }, projectMayhem: { slug: "project-mayhem", trackCount: 2, tracks: [ { "track": 1, "artist": "Kyle Thatcher", "album": "Project: Mayhem", "song": "Commence", "file": "commence.mp3" }, { "track": 2, "artist": "Kyle Thatcher", "album": "Project: Mayhem", "song": "Bouncy Green Slime", "file": "bouncy-green-slime.mp3" } ] }, boxer: { slug: 'boxer', trackCount: 2, tracks: [ { "track": 1, "artist": "The National", "album": "Boxer", "song": "Fake Empire", "file": "fake-empire.mp3" }, { "track": 1, "artist": "The National", "album": "Boxer", "song": "Mistaken For Strangers", "file": "mistaken-for-strangers.mp3" } ] } } | |
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